Movember 28th, 2009


DSC00285 Well, this is it folks. One of your last opportunities to make a Movember donation to support the work of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue.

So far me and my mo have been able to raise $300, which I think is a pretty decent effort and I’d like to say a big thank-you to everyone who donated. How ever most of those donations came in in the first week or so. If that rate of donating had been maintained over the rest of the month I’d be heading toward a total around $800. So, how about it? If you haven’t donated yet, now is the time. It’s super easy, and credit card donations can be made online. Donations $2 and over are tax deductable.

Head over to my Mospace to donate now:

Movember 13, 2009



Look closely. That shadow under my nose… can you see it? Yup, that really is 13 days worth of mo. I went to Grill’d for my free burger yesterday and saw a number of mo bros, all of whom had better mos than I. I felt a little disheartened. What I’m not disheartened about are the donations and support I’ve got thus far. Donations are currently up to $230. If you haven’t already donated, now’s the time.

Movember 1st, 2009




Prior to shower & shave

Clean shaven, so the mo can grow

Well, it’s Movember, and to help my fellow man, I’m growing a mo.

So, how does growing a mo help other people? Simple, the point of Movember is to raise funds for men’s health. To read more about it and to donate to the cause, head over to my Mo Space page and donate a bucket of money.